Technology at the service of well-being
Specific efficacy tests
Probiotics are living micro-organisms that can be incorporated into various types of products, such as foods, medicines and dietary supplements. They are defined as "living, viable micro-organisms that confer health benefits on the host when consumed, in appropriate quantities, as part of a food or supplement".
Species such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and some species of E. coli and Bacillus are commonly used as probiotics and help the body maintain a balanced microbiome.
Beneficial effects of probiotics
Here are some of the beneficial effects attributed to the different microbial strains considered probiotics:
- Inhibition of the growth of pathogenic bacteria (through reduction of luminal pH, production of bacteriocins; resistance to colonisation; blocking of epithelial adhesion).
- Increased barrier protection (production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA); increased mucus production; production of zoludine; regulation of mucosal permeability; competition with pathogens and toxin receptors).
- Immunoregulation (increase in IL-10 and TGF-beta and decrease in TNF; increase in IgA secretion) (Moretti A, Papi C, Koch M, Capurso L. Use of probiotics in gastroenterology: what evidence? Topics in Clinical Gastroenterology 2006;19:31-9).
A prebiotic is defined as "a non-viable food constituent that confers a health benefit through modulation of the microbiota", (, the action of prebiotics is therefore to specifically provoke the growth of bifidobacteria or lactobacilli or other probiotics, thereby increasing their protective function.In practice, prebiotics act on intestinal bacteria by increasing the number of beneficial anaerobic bacteria and reducing the population of potential pathogenic microorganisms.
For example, prebiotics par excellence are the soluble dietary fibres contained in certain fruits and vegetables. The most important prebiotic fibre is inulin: a water-soluble polysaccharide that is mainly extracted from chicory root.
Our test to evaluate the effectiveness of your probiotic strains:
Analysis of the specific prebiotic power of different fibres or natural extracts towards probiotics
Analysis of the degradation of metabolites by probiotics
Evaluation of the degradative capacity of pollutants
Analysis of the production of metabolites and peptides by probiotics
Optimisation studies of metabolite production by probiotics
Stability testing of probiotic and additive/co-formulant formulations
Testing of synergistic activity of natural extracts
In collaboration with the Bioindustry division, we can also offer you:
- Strain improvement
- Development of high-density fermentation methods
- Identification and formulation of probiotic mixtures for specific properties